Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bunt Dolls

These adorable little Waldorf dolls are a lot simpler than traditional Waldorf dolls and perfect for toddlers. Younger kids (and their parents) may not be ready for a Waldorf doll yet, but that shouldn't stop them from having a beautiful hand-made toy to play with! Bunt dolls are toddler-safe, easier to wash and softer than regular Waldorf dolls. Plus super easy to make! 

I did not use all eco-friendly or organic materials for these dolls. Primarily because I have a heap of unused fleece in my fabric stash; I'd rather use what I already have than buy something new. 

The stuffing is home-grown wool from Gudrun's Ullbod in Sweden. The woman who owns the shop has her own sheep. She shears, cards and prepares the wool herself. 

The doll's head is made like a regular Waldorf doll's and attached to the body in the same way. However, instead of the fine yarn normally used for Waldorf doll hair, these bunt dolls have a cap made of the same color fleece as the body. The hats have endless possibilities for design, but I've found the cone-shaped one to be the easiest and quickest to make. 

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