Sunday, February 23, 2014

Something About Letters

There is something about the aesthetics of letters (also known as snail-mail) that makes them irresistible. I currently have three oh so succulent letters written with my cramp-inducing quill pen and sealed with the ultimate cherry of the stationary industry, a wax seal, perched temptingly on my bedside table. They are awaiting the address of my third far-fetched friend. There will come a time when I release them to the postman (or something) but for now I am free to ogle them every night. Tabula Rasa an amazing stationary shop where I spent (literally) two hours perusing leather bound books and personalized business cards I couldn't afford this winter! Even if I don’t have money to spend I like to gaze longingly at their excellent wares hoping that a cashier will take pity on me and kick me out for my own good. I just found out today (from my theater teacher, actually) that tabula rasa means ‘a blank slate’. A perfect name for this equally perfect shop. 

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