Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Magical Land of Jo-Anns

There are better fabric stores out there (hopefully with way better selection, especially in the velvet department). But it is the best one I’ve found in America so far. My all time favorite, and first ever, fabric store was in Sweden. I say ‘was’ with emphasis. Two years ago I came to visit and it had closed. Shame! And it was right across from the world’s greatest sushi! Furulunds, it was called. With more inventory than Jo-Anns and a cozy little basement location. When I was a kid it was my favorite place. But who doesn’t love Jo-Anns coupons? I think the store has a special affiliation with strangers in the check-out line giving out excess coupons. At least, that’s what happened to me. I got almost 50% off on all my purchases! I can’t wait to move to the land of the free so I can begin hoarding coupons. Here in third-world China, we don’t have coupons or Huberts Lemonade. Please comment with a description of your favorite fabric store or any other fun textile stories (they can even be fabricated…ha). 

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