Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thinking at Nine on Tuesday

It may not seem significantly late to you, but I am most comfortable going to bed at seven or eight. So when its nine o’clock on a school night and thoughts are cannoning into my exhausted head, this is the only suitable title. I actually thought of quite a few titles, including ‘High school’, ‘documentaries are good for you’, and ‘why so many shout outs?’. But seeing as this post is about all three, I am in no fit position to pick favorites.

The truth is, I’m feeling bummed about high school. And no, its not boys, homework, or friends. It’s the fact that I don’t feel like I am learning enough (what a thought)! I also have a limited time to sew, blog, write, paint, knit, and listen to the Stuff You Should Know podcast. Which, by the way, is perfect for filling up the empty space between constructing a garment and the clanking of you sewing machine.

And here we are, unintentionally, at topic number three (before topic two!): why so many shout outs? Why do I constantly mention other blogs, podcasts, books, and stores? Simply because I love them! I have wished countless times over that there was a blog out there that referred me to more of the kinds of things that I like, ALL OF THEM.  Since there are myriad numbers of those ‘things’ I decided to do it myself.

The reason I like to talk about other people’s blogs so much is because I am not the holder of the universe. I’m 14, and although I've "traveled and experienced a lot more than the average middle-aged American" (-mom), nothing can make up for time. The people whose blogs I mention have knowledge that is so diverse from my own and (in addition to being older) have accomplished many things that I have not.

Now for the documentaries. I love them, many people don’t. The reasons for that I have not heard, but I would be grateful if you would comment and explain. If I had a choice documentaries would be my media-diet, but I have a younger brother who is overly fond of 'Captain America' and 'Kick-ass'.

Pure fact (well, not ‘pure’) with dreamy adventures and the best kinds of stories: true ones. Several good ones that I’ve watched recently include ‘The Men Who Built America’, ‘The West’, ‘A History of Britain’, and ‘The Trials of Life’. 

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